Surf Report
Thursday Morning 12/21/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 46 degrees and sunny with ENE winds 8-10 mph. The surf is running thigh to waist high. Low tide was 5:20am
Wednesday Morning 12/20/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 45 degrees with a ENE wind 8-10 mph. The surf is building, running knee to thigh with some occasional waist high
Tuesday Morning 12/29/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and cold at 44 degrees with NNE winds 12-14 mph. The surf is Flat! Winds should switch more East tomorrow
Monday Morning 12/18/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and cold on the beach at 45 degrees with a North wind at 5-8 mph. The surf is small ankle
Sunday Morning 12/17/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 55 degrees and grey out here with NNW winds 12-15 mph. We have glassy waist high surf with some occasional chest
Saturday Morning 12/16/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 56 degrees and overcast with ENE winds 12-15 mph. Surf is running chest high with maybe bigger peaks. It’s a pushy
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
If you have been surfing less than 10 years, you may not be familiar with one of the best surfers ever to have come out
Friday Morning 12/15/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 53 degrees with ENE winds 12-14 mph. The surf is running chest high with head high peaks. Low tide
Thursday Morning 12/14/23
Good morning surfers. It’s 55° out here with overcast skies and ENE winds 12-14 mph. The surf is waist to chest high. Low tide is
Wednesday Morning 12/13/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 48 degrees with a NE wind 12-14 mph. The surf is running waist high. Low tide is at 9:30