Surf Report
Monday Morning 7/18/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 80 degrees out here with light NW winds at 3-5 mph. There’s a rain shower passing thru. The surf is flat,
Sunday Morning 7/17/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 80 degrees out here with ENE winds at 3-5 mph. The surf is flat. No chance of it building today. It
Saturday Morning 7/16/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 89 degrees out here on the beach. We have a light East wind at 3-5 mph. Surf is flat.
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
This is how the waves at Pickens Point broke in the 1970’s – specifically during the filming of Jaws
Friday Morning 7/15/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 78 and cloudy out here on the beach with a light North wind at 3-4 mph. The surf is flat. No
Thursday Morning 7/14/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 80 degrees and overcast out on the beach. We have WSW winds at 5-8 mph. The surf is a weak and
Wednesday Morning 7/13/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 78 and overcast/raining this morning. We have SE winds at 8-10 mph. It’s soggy out here. The surf is running knee
Tuesday Morning 7/12/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 78 degrees with SE winds at 6-8 mph. The surf is knee high on the right sandbars. It’s should build today.
Monday Morning 7/11/22
Good Morning Surfers! It’s 89 degrees and sunny out here on the beach. N winds 3-4 mph. There’s a bunch of storms SW of us
Sunday Morning 7/10/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 80 and mainly sunny out here. NW winds are blowing 6-8 mph. The surf is flat. There is finally surf in