Surf Report
Sunday Morning 3/16/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 67 degrees and overcast/light rain this morning. Winds are light WNW at 3-5 mph. The surf is small shin maybe knee
Saturday Morning 4/15/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 68 degrees in the beach with a light E wind at 3-5 mph. The surf is flat. Just small
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
In 1974 a group of Pensacola guys camped and competed in the US Surfing Championships at Cape Hatteras. There was solid swell for two weeks.
Friday Morning 4/14/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 67 and sunny with a beautiful sunrise. West winds are 5-8 mph, surf is running knee to thigh high. It’s very
Thursday Morning 4/13/23
Good morning Surfers. The storm clouds have passed through and is now sunny out on Pensacola Beach and 69°. The south winds are blowing 16
Wednesday Morning 4/12/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 64 degrees and cloudy with a nice sunrise this morning. ENE winds are blowing 14-16 mph. The surf is choppy and
Tuesday Morning 4/11/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 62 degrees and sunny on the beach, with a ENE wind at 14-16 mph, causing for drifty and choppy conditions. The
Monday Morning 4/10/23
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 60 degrees and overcast out on the beach this morning. NE winds are 12-15 mph. The surf is knee high and
Easter Sunday 4/9/23
He is Risen! Happy Easter Surfers! It’s cold and overcast out on the beach this morning. It’s 54 degrees with a NNE wind at 11-16
Saturday Morning 4/8/23
Good Morning Surfers. Out here on the beach it’s pouring and storming at the moment. South winds at 5-8 mph. The surf looks knee high