Surf Report
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
Pensacola had its own skatepark in the mid 70’s – The Paved Wave. It was located on Navy Blvd. Freddy Esposito (pictured here) managed it.
Friday Morning Update 12/3/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 56 degrees out here with some light overcast sky. Light winds out of the E only 2 mph. Surf is flat.
Thursday Morning Update 12/2/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s clear and sunny out here at 51 degrees. We have calm winds out here and no surf. Looks like another 3
Wednesday Morning Update 12/1/21
Good Morning. We are in the same pattern here. It’s 51 degrees, nice and sunny with N winds 5-8 mph, but NO surf. Forecast doesn’t
Tuesday Morning Update 11/30/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s another cold clear morning at 45 degrees with NE winds 5-8 mph. It’s the Lake of Mexico. No chance of waves
Monday Morning Update 11/29/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s another cold morning with N winds at 10 mph. Air temp 48 and water temp 69. No surf today. The forecast
Sunday Morning Update 11/28/21
Good Morning Surfers. Its 55 degrees out here with overcast and mainly N wind at 8-10 mph. Surf is flat. No chance of waves today.
Flashback Sat(oops) with Tom Hutson
Why paddle, when you can jump? The pier used to be shorter and lower than our current pier. It was often left wide open when
Saturday Morning Update 11/27/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s cold and flat out here! Air temp is 45 and the water is 69 degrees. Looks like the Lake of Mexico.
Friday Morning Update 11/26/21
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 58 degrees out here with strong off shore N winds at 15 mph causing flat surf. Nothing rideable for the next