Surf Report
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
Pensacola Pier • 1971ish • I don’t think our crowds are any worse now, than they were 50 years ago • Pensacola surfing was just
Friday Morning 1/21/22
Good Morning Surfers. This morning is freezing cold at 36 degrees with a N wind blowing 10-12 mph. Surf is FLAT. Its so cold you
Thursday Morning 1/20/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 64 degrees out here with S winds 11 mph. Surf looks waist high. It looks a little weak and disorganized like
Wednesday Morning 1/19/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 53 degrees with SSE winds 6-8 mph. The surf is running knee high. It looks a little sloppy and disorganized this
Tuesday Morning Update 1/18/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s clear and cold out here. It’s 37 degrees with NE winds at 5 mph. Surf is flat. Just small micro lines
Monday Morning Update 1/17/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s 45 degrees and sunny out here with NW winds 10-12 mph. The surf has cleaned up and dropped a lot. It’s
Sunday Morning Update 1/16/22
Good Morning Surfers. We have very strong W winds blowing 18-20 degrees. It’s 42 degrees and overcast. The winds blew insanely strong all last night.
Saturday Morning Update 12/15/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 50 degrees out here with E winds 8-10 mph. Surf is small this morning, shin to knee high, BUT
Flashback Friday with Tom Hutson
Ft. Pickens • 1973ish Some of the guys collected driftwood on the beach and built a simple lean-to. It didn’t last long, but for a
Friday Morning Update 1/14/22
Good Morning Surfers. It’s sunny and 50 degrees out here with N winds 5-8 mph. The surf is small ankle to shin high lines right