Saturday 11:45 update
***This report is sponsored by Tom Hutson with Remax on the Coast. For all of your housing needs (buying, selling, or renting) call Tom Hutson
12:30 Thursday update
The waves are up again! It’s a solid chest to head high with a few larger sets at the pier. It’s 83 degrees with a
Wednesday noon update
What a great day! It’s beautiful at the beach. The water is green and the surf is up. It’s pretty windy out of the s.e.
Tuesday 12:30 update
***This report is sponsored by Tom Hutson with Remax on the Coast. For all of your housing needs (buying, selling, or renting) call Tom Hutson
12:45 Saturday update
The surf is coming up. There is an east wind causing white caps. The gulf is clear. The waves are knee high and building. Tom
11:30 Friday update
Everything is perfect at the beach except the waves. We have offshore wind, clear water, low humidity, but not a wave in sight. Tom Hutson
Thursday 1:00 update
***This report is sponsored by Tom Hutson with Remax on the Coast. For all of your housing needs (buying, selling, or renting) call Tom Hutson
Wednesday 1:00 update
The surf is similar to yesterday- knee high swells with possibly some bigger sets. The problem is that the tide is full, so the waves
12:30 update for Tuesday
***This report is sponsored by Tom Hutson with Remax on the Coast. For all of your housing needs (buying, selling, or renting) call Tom Hutson
Monday noon update
It’s 82 degrees at the beach with clear green water and a light onshore breeze. There are shin high lines breaking on the shallower sandbars.