YS III – from Surfer Magazine, September ’76. Photo x Dave Skelton
I had a unique experience with YS. One winter afternoon, we were walking down to Picken’s Point, along the bay side where it gets deep quickly. The conditions were typical – s.e. winds, partly cloudy, the lefts were waist to chest high. It wasn’t that good, and I don’t remember seeing anyone else down there.
Well, not far off the shore was a submarine(!). We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. We stopped and watched as a boat came across the bay from NAS. It pulled up next to the submarine. Some men climbed on board the sub and exchanged something, then got back on their boat and took off. The sub pointed toward the gulf, accelerated and submerged, totally disappearing. To me it was kind of creepy, knowing the huge sub just disappeared. I have never seen anything like it. It was kind of cool to experience it with YS. I’m sure he didn’t forget it either.