Sometimes I wish I could turn the clock back. Not forever – just for a day.
Photos like this bring back feelings of a great era in Pensacola. The Point and The Bay at Ft. Pickens broke consistently – great waves. I had a ‘66 VW Bug, with a stick shift. Gas was probably less than 50 cents a gallon. Responsibilities were very few. Lots of friends who have since passed, were still around.
The reality, is that my world was pretty small. I didn’t know that. When I think about it, life got so much better in many ways – career, my wife, my kids. But still, there was something about the simplicity of it all back then, and the future was ahead of us. I didn’t know what to expect, and it didn’t matter.
But, it all looked good back then.
Photo: Rick Seevers by Dave Skelton / September 1977