Good afternoon. Well I am not sure what exactly is going on but the three mile bridge is backed up and traffic goes all the way back to Chase Street. So with the traffic and lack of surf there will not be a afternoon report. Well Ernesto’s track has turned more favorable for us for now. It’s showing it heading on a more Westerly track. It looks like it will be in the Gulf either late Wednesday or early Thursday. According to Magicseaweed we should start seeing some swell on Wednesday. By Wednesday afternoon we should have some waist high surf and on Thursday we should have some chest to shoulder high surf. WOW! How awesome would that be. Keep your fingers crossed for that one. Since we are not doing the afternoon report today I am posting the Blue Angel pictures. We did not post them all originally but added them later. I imagine nobody saw it sooooo here you go for your viewing pleasure. Have a great Saturday!

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