Good morning surfers! Tomorrow we are having meet the shaper with Cronin! It will be at our Gulf Breeze Location from 11 am till 2 pm. He is bringing up 30 new custom surfboards, so stop by meet Cronin, and pick up a new surfboard! All access to the beaches are currently closed, as well as the fishing pier is currently closed. We have partly cloudy skies this morning with the air temp at 74 degrees and the water temp around 69 degrees. Neap tide today with the high tide at 10:26 am and low tide at 7:05 pm. The wind is onshore at 5 mph out of the SSW. The surf is small today, shin high line breaking right onshore, we do have surf forecasted for this weekend, but the only way you would be able to surf is if you had a boat!
Friday Morning Update 3/27/20
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